

  • Visual theater, Object theatre

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Un espectáculo de teatro visual que es un punto de encuentro entre el teatro físico, la manipulación de títeres, las sombras y la música en directo. Tres personajes invitan el público a un viaje hacia sus propias antípodas. Un viaje onírico sobre un caballo en miniatura, entre ambiguas figuras y hombres-sombras que corren sin meta. En este espectáculo los símbolos reemplazan las palabras, el tiempo no tiene un principio ni un final. Acompañados por la música viajamos a las antípodas del tiempo ordinario, a un lugar que existe pero que se aleja a cada paso.

A show by
Cia Dromosofista


Compagnia Dromosofista was born in 2007 in Italy, from the meeting of Rugiada, Timoteo and Tommaso Grignani with brothers Facundo and Santiago Moreno. Facundo and Santiago Moreno moved from Buenos Aires to Genoa at a very young age, and it was here that they began playing in the piazzas and in the carruggi. Starting in 2002 they performed in various festivals in Italy and abroad, and with the group Aparecidos they presented a repertoire of their own compositions. Rugiada, Timoteo and Tommaso Grignani grow up in the world of theater and follow the adventures of the Girovago and Rondella Family Theater from an early age. They spent their childhood in Greece, where they performed alongside their parents and learned the basics of the craft of popular and poetic figure theater.

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