
Into thin air

  • Acrobatics, Contemporary dance

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Espectáculo entre la danza y el circo. Encallados en una escala torcida, tres artistas floten en el espacio. Dependen de ellos mismos y de los otros. En un momento casi se deslizan por las escalas, al siguiente recuperan el equilibrio y exploran los confines de este espacio sin pisar hasta que se rompe la gravedad y sus cuerpos parecen flotar. Esto crea un emocionante juego de cuerpos y el movimiento entra en un diálogo sofisticado con fondos arquitectónicos.

A show by
Cie Panama Pictures


Panama Pictures makes thematically layered performances on the cutting edge of dance and circus for a broad and varied audience. The company actively works to increase support for dance and circus and provides an important stimulus to the artistic development of both disciplines.

In addition to full-length touring performances, Panama Pictures produces short works that play on diverse locations outside the theatre. In their commitment to talent development and education, the teachers and performers of Panama Pictures regularly give master classes and workshops to both amateurs and (semi) professionals. The company also accompanies young makers in the development of their own work and offers them a platform for presentations.

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