
Room Service

  • Street theatre
  • Without text
  • Suitable for all ages
  • 30'

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Farsa cómica que parodia las situaciones cotidianas de la maternidad y los estereotipos mamá-bebé. Durante treinta minutos, la crueldad y la perversión se mezclan mientras un bebé soporta los caprichos de una madre exhausta. Este espectáculo ofrece una oportunidad para que madres y padres se reconozcan, se alivien y, sobre todo, se rían de los desafíos que afrontan a diario.

A show by
Ô Quel Dommage

Brussels, Belgium

O Quel Dommage is a theater company founded in 2010 in Brussels, known for its absurd, grotesque, and poetic style. Combining gestures, images, sounds, and music, it explores the chaos of the modern world and human emotions, extracting poetry and comedy through the universality of movement. Their shows, such as “Les Pleureuses,” “Room Service,” and “Henri,” have been performed on stages and streets worldwide, engaging audiences of all ages with humor and playful elements. The company has received international recognition and continues to innovate with new techniques and artistic proposals, offering performances that surprise and provoke thought.

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